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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Camp
Once again this summer we are offering our summer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) camp. The STEM camp is an opportunity for students to have some fun with science over the summer vacation. Students will participate in a variety of activities centered on science and engineering topics…
  • Figure It Out!: The kids will work in teams to determine the best way to build a dome using other 3-dimensional shapes.

  • Building Stonehenge (The Old Fashioned Way): The kids will be challenged to build a scale model of England’s famous Stonehenge structure…however, they’ll only be able to use methods that were available at the time of the original Stonehenge build.

  • The Hydraulic Arm: Using kits that contain everything needed, the kids will assemble a moving arm that is powered by water in syringes and tubes. They will then use their Hydraulic Arm to compete in a challenge.

  • Broken Bone Shark Tank: The kids will design and develop a method to repair a broken bone. They will then make a prototype and try it out on a simulated broken bone.

  • Solar Cars and Wind Yachts: The kids will try out both sun and wind power with some solar car kits and wind-powered vehicles of their own design and production.

The camp will be three hours each day from 9:00-12:00 for five consecutive days Monday-Friday. Please return the attached form with your preferences for the week your child would prefer to attend. If your child is able to participate either week then rank the preference with the highest ranking being 1. The cost of the camp is $75 per camper. The camp is open to all current 6th and 7th grade students at GMS North and South. The camp will be held at GMS South.

If you are interested in having your child participate in our STEM camp, please download and return the attached enrollment form with your payment to the Main Office by May 15th.

We are excited to offer this opportunity for your child and hope they will be able to join us! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s principal.

Attachments Available To Download:
STEM Camp permission form3.pdf