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The GMS Young Adult book club is meeting tonight from 6:30pm – 7:30pm in the GMSS library for pizza and pointed discussion on our 9/11 themed books. See Mrs. Fedor or Mrs. Hollis for details.  Hope to see you there!



All students going to Epic Air should meet outside the Guidance Office after school today.



Keep bringing in all the Box Tops you’ve been collecting for the prize drawing this Friday, November 16th.  Anyone who brings in 20 or more entries will be eligible to win a $20 gift card to the Goodrich Randall movie theatre and even if you only bring in one box top, you’ll be eligible to win a $5 gift card to Graham’s Chocolates! Entries of 20 or more must be in a baggie or envelope with your name included INSIDE the baggie or envelope.  Remember, soup labels don’t count!



Leos Club is meeting today after school in room 223 in 6B.


Writing club will also meet today after school right here in the South library. 


Chess Club – your next meeting is this Thursday here at South.  Please bring your permission slips to Miss Swiderski in 8W.


Science Club will meet for our first combined meeting this Thursday in Room 154 in the 7 W team center, here at GMSS. The topic will be “Tense Surfaces “



Alliance Club will be meeting again this Friday after school in the Reading Lounge until 4:25.