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227 N. Fourth Street
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: 630-463-3000
Food Service 
Hot lunches and milk are available to students in the school cafeteria and may be purchased one of two ways. Parents can pre-pay for lunches with an electronic check or with a credit card on the school District’s online payment program or by sending a check with the child’s name on it to the school. Every student has his/her own individual debit account to purchase 
meals. Students may bring a sack lunch if they prefer. 

Applications for the Illinois Free Lunch Program are available at the school or District office. 

PushCoin,, is the district funding source providing parents and guardians a quick, convenient process to pay for hot lunch service. PushCoin delivers convenient reports on lunch purchases and low balance notices. The system accepts e-check credit and debit card forms of payment to fund your child’s account. *Processing fees for credit/debit card apply. 
Hot Lunch Substitutions 
All meals served must meet patterns established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If a child’s doctor has identified special dietary needs or a medical diagnosis that would prevent the child from eating a regular school meal, the school will make substitutions at no extra charge. If your child requires substitutions, please contact your school office for more information.