The cafeteria provides both a regular hot lunch and a la carte items. Students may bring a sack lunch if they prefer.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at lunchtime without parent and school permission. If time and weather permit, students may go to the play area for recreation after eating. Hot lunches and milk are available to students in the school cafeteria and may be purchased one of two ways. Parents can pre-pay for lunches with an electronic check or with a credit card on the school District’s online payment program or by sending a check with the child’s name on it to the school.
Every student has his/her own individual debit account to purchase meals. Applications for the Illinois Free Lunch Program are available at the school or District office.
PushCoin,, is the district funding source providing parents and guardians a quick, convenient process to pay for hot lunch service. PushCoin delivers convenient reports on lunch purchases and low balance notices. The system accepts e-check, credit, and debit card forms of payment to fund your child’s account. *Processing fees for credit/debit card apply.
Free or Reduced Price Meals
Applications for the Illinois Free Lunch Program are available at the school, District office or on the website. Applications for free or reduced-price meals are available in the school office or at the district office. Guidance & Student Services
The Guidance and Student Services Department at Geneva Middle School offers a wide variety of support services to students and their families. The guidance/social work responsibilities include:
•Helping students with emotional, academic, career, and social issues that are typical of this age (such as study skills, bullying/teasing, friendship issues, divorce, and the like.)
•Providing small group counseling sessions.
•Providing short-term individual counseling.
•Teaching counseling-related curriculum in classrooms.
•Acting as a referral person for community support agencies.
•Providing resources for parents about adolescent development.
•Meeting regularly with your student’s teachers to increase communication.
•Helping transition students from elementary to middle school, and middle school to high school. Parents may contact their student’s counselor by calling the guidance office.
Medical Excuses from Physical Education and/or Recess
Students may be excused from class participation physical education and/or recess for up to three consecutive days by submitting a parent note. A request for an excusal from physical education participation of four or more days due to a health reason requires a note from a licensed provider. Students excused from PE due to a health condition must contact their PE teacher to discuss makeup requirements. The school district reserves the right to request updated medical notes from the provider to document continued need for PE and/or Recess excusal. Contact the school your child attends for further building specific instructions.
Elevator Use & Special Privilege Passes
When a student cannot walk stairs because of illness or injury, elevator service is available.
In general, student backpacks are to remain in their lockers during the school day. If a student has an illness or injury that would be aided by the use of a backpack during the school day, a pass may be issued with a note from parent and physician.
These and other special privileges will be issued at the discretion of the school. A monetary amount may be charged as a replacement fee for failure to return a special privilege pass or elevator key when issued.
Field Trips or Off-Campus Events
Parents/guardians should be aware that a registered nurse or emergency first responder will not typically be in attendance on the bus traveling to and from or at a field trip destination site. If a child has an order to self-carry an emergency medication, the
Home/hospital services may be provided to a student when a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, a licensed physician assistant (PA), or a licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) determines that the student will, or is anticipated to be, absent from school for a minimum of 10 days during the school year due to a medical condition. For information regarding homebound eligibility and/or services, please contact the guidance office.
Free bus transportation is provided for students living more than a mile and a half from school. Routes are arranged by the transportation office to provide the safest and most efficient transportation for students. Students must be at pick-up points 5 minutes before the scheduled times. Activity buses leave the school at approximately 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. daily. Contact the school office regarding the route of the activity bus. The Activity Bus is provided to students after school free of charge. A student who wishes to ride a bus other than their own must have a note from the student’s parent/guardian approved by the main office.