Student Records
The Board of Education has established
Policy 7:340 *: Student Records to ensure the privacy of student educational records as required by federal and state law. A student record is the written history of the performance and activities of each child enrolled in school. This individual record will contain all state and federal-mandated information and any other information needed to evaluate a student’s progress.
Student records are divided into two parts: the permanent record, which is kept for at least 60 years, and the temporary record, which is retained for five years after the student’s class graduates from high school.
Parents/Guardians of students under 18 have the right to inspect student education records (permanent and temporary). Copies may be obtained for a nominal fee.
All school records will be maintained under the student’s legal name. A name may be changed on school records only by a court order presented to the school.
Permanent records include the following information:
1. Basic identifying information, including student’s name and address, birth date and place, gender, and the names and addresses of the student’s parents.
2. Evidence required pursuant to the Missing Children’s Records Act.
3. Academic transcript.
4. Attendance record.
5. Health record.
6. A record of release of permanent record information; and
7. Scores received on all State assessment tests administered at high school level.
8. Scores received on college entrance exams.
9. AP Computer Science course designated as math.
10. Student’s achievement of the State Seal of Biliteracy and State Commendation Toward Biliteracy; and
11. Student’s achievement of the Global Scholar Certification.
Temporary records may include the following information:
1. A record of release of temporary record information.
2. Scores received on the State assessment tests administered in elementary grade levels.
3. Completed home language survey form.
4. Information regarding serious disciplinary infractions that resulted in expulsion, suspension, or imposition of punishment or sanction.
5. Information provided under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
6. Any biometric information.
7. Health-related information.
8. Accident Reports.
9. Family background information.
10. Intelligence test scores.
11. Aptitude test scores.
12. Reports on psychological evaluations.
13. Elementary and secondary achievement level test results.
14. Participation in extracurricular activities, including any offices held in school-sponsored clubs or organizations (may alternatively be included in permanent record).
15. Honors and awards received (may alternatively be included in permanent record).
16.Teacher anecdotal records.
17. Other disciplinary information.
18. Special education and Section 504 Plan records.
19. Any verified reports or information from non-educational persons, agencies, or organizations of clear relevance to the education of the student.
20. E-mail and correspondence records which contain student’s personally identifiable information.
21. Residency and enrollment documents.
22. Class schedules.
23. Summer school/ESY records.
24. Transportation records.
25. Signed Student/Parent Handbook or other Policy Acknowledgement forms;
26. Authorizations, waivers, and/or request forms (i.e., for field trips, free and reduced lunch, medication administration, etc.).
27. Investigation determination letters.
28. Truancy documents.
29. Order of Protection; and
30. Report cards and progress reports.
Release of Information to Non-Custodial Parent
Upon the written request of either parent of a student whose parents are divorced, copies of the following, which are furnished by the School District to the custodial parent, will be mailed to the non-custodial parent:
•Reports or records which reflect the student’s academic progress
•Reports of the student’s emotional and physical health
•Notices of school-initiated parent-teacher conference
•Notices of major school-sponsored events, such as open houses, which involve student-parent interaction
•Copies of the school calendar
The request needs to be made annually and will be denied in cases where a court order states records may not be sent.