The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was THE ONE & ONLY DAMIEN. Congratulations to the correct guessers whose names were chosen: Cameron Schneeweis, Bennett Vishnesky, Griffin Lee, Kylie Hall, Reese Carson, Noah Scherschel, Elena Saxton, Riley Johansen, Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Rolf, and Mr. Sempsrott. You can pick up your prize in the library.
It's time for the next meeting of the Creative Writing Club! We'll announce the winners and distribute the prizes for the last writing contest and talk about a local writing contest opportunity that is coming up fast. Please plan to meet before school tomorrow morning at 7:40 in Ms. Riley's room.
Gaming Club will be hosting a special meeting tomorrow from 3:30-4:20. Gamers - remember if you are interested in signing up for the Super Smash Bros. Practice Tournament, please follow the link emailed to you.
Chess Club has a match scheduled on Thursday after school against Thompson Middle School until 5:15pm in the South library. If you're in Chess Club, please check your Teams announcement for information!
There’s a new intramural coming up in a couple of weeks. It’s the GMS Bowling League! Bowl and eat snacks with your friends from North and South. You can pick up a permission slip in the main office.
Are you interested in Rubik's Cube and competing against others to see who can get them done the fastest? If so, on Friday January 24th there will be a competition in the Geneva North cafeteria immediately after school from 3:30-5:20 pm. Please see the flyers around school and use that to sign up for the competition. Any questions please direct to Mr. McGinnis.