Geneva School District 304 News Article

December 16, 2024

Girls Swim Team


IHSA Girls Swimming  
Seven GHS Swimmers competed at the IHSA State Swim Championship on Friday, November 15th and Saturday, November 16th at the FMC Natatorium in Westmont, IL. The team is coached by Sophia Parr. (Listed alphabetically, not in picture order) Jenna Bilut, Claire Conklin, Emery Larsen, Ryann Lehan, Claire Schumacher, Maddie Seykora, and (not pictured) Claire Simon. 
• Claire Conklin placed 11th in the 100 YD  
• Claire Conklin, Jenna Bilut, and Emery Larsen finished 8th in the 400 YD Free Relay  
• Claire Conklin, Claire Schumacher, and Maddie Seykora finished 16th in the 200 YD Free Relay  
• Ryan Lehan and Claire Simon were awarded State Qualifying recognition 
2024 Chicagoland 4X5 Art Show  
These students were awarded recognition for their artwork at the annual Chicagoland 4X5 Art Show on Wednesday, November 6th at Oswego High School, where students submitted art pieces for judging.  Cecilia DeAngelis, Willow Houck and Miles Sheppard were recognized but were unable to attend the meeting.
IHSA Girls Cross Country Sofia Borter 
Sofia Borter competed at the IHSA State Cross Country meet at Detweiller Park in Peoria, IL, on November 9th. This was Sofia’s 3rd straight year qualifying for the State Cross Country meet. The team is coached by Beth Morrison. 

IHSA Football 
The GHS Varsity Football Team is represented tonight by their team captains James Bucholz, Tony Chahino, Sean Lane, Joe Pettit, and Talyn Taylor. 

The rest of the team was recognized at their team awards banquet on Tuesday, December 17th. The football team earned State Runner-Up at the IHSA State-Finals held at Hancock Stadium in Bloomington-Normal on November 30th, 2024. The football team is coached by Boone Thorgesen. 

Debbie HansonRetirement
Principal Rogers recognized the GHS Registrar Debbie Hanson who is retiring from her service at the district after 29 years. 

The 2024 Tax Levy Year Final Presentation was presented by Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Todd Latham (Policy 4:10) where he covered the major points for the board to consider for approval during the Truth in Taxation public hearing. 

Board member Jackie Forbes reported that the Delegate Assembly voted on the pending resolutions. The results aligned with the Resolutions Report sent out by IASB prior to the Delegate Assembly where districts sent one representative to vote.  


Superintendent Dr. Andy Barrett shared information about the Illinois Vision 2030 plan which was written by several Illinois education associations to create a vision and goals for Illinois schools. It focuses on four issues: Keeping students safe, keeping high-quality educators in front of students, enhancing post-secondary success and establishing improvement measurements to demonstrate what is working. He shared that many of the goals outlined in the Illinois Vision 2030 are aligned with the Strategic Plan that the district developed this year. 

He reminded the community about the Community Connects event on January 22. Two sessions are offered at 10 AM and 7 PM at the Geneva Public Library.  

He concluded by wishing everyone a happy holiday season. 

The Board approved the GHS Proposal for New & Modified Courses for 2025-2026 (Policy 6:40). The Board took action on the Adoption of the Resolution Authorizing the Certificate of Tax Levy for 2024 (Policy 2:20, 4:10). The Board approved the Proposed 2025-26 School Calendar (Policy 6:20) as presented by Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Shonette Sims. The board took action on the Transportation - School Bus Supplemental Bid & Recommended Bus Purchase (Policy 4:60) and the Transportation - Recommended Bus Sale (Policy 4:60) as presented by Assistant Superintendent Todd Latham. 
The Board reviewed several policies that are up for review; the Board will take action on these updates at the next board meeting.  

One member thanked everyone recognized with Tradition of Excellence awards and reflected on the IASB’s Annual Triple I conference saying they enjoyed learning from board members from other districts. Several members talked about the Yuletide Festival and how enjoyable it was. Another member thanked Asst. Supt Todd Latham for his work on the tax levy. Another said they are looking forward to attending the holiday performances by students and wished everyone a wonderful break.  

One member talked about the Communications Task Force meeting where the results of the Communication Survey were shared, added that the district is working to streamline communications for parents, and shared the Community Connects event. They talked about the class size committee that met recently to ensure that the changes made in class sizes are having a positive impact. They participated in many activities including the theater program’s “A Christmas Carol” and the Viking Voices at the middle school. They talked about the choir, band, and theater students who performed at the Geneva Christmas Walk and the Lions’ Club Santa Breakfast. 

Another member discussed attending the DuPage County joint school board members’ meeting where the topic was Generative AI. One member attended the Harrison Street School PTO and the Technology Task Force meetings where the proposed technology capital plan was shared. They also participated in the Turkey Trot and the State Championship football game. They said they are so proud of our students and all the athletes, artists, and musicians that work so hard. They thanked Hogan Design and Construction for their donation. Another member wished the students luck on finals and said they were pleased with our students' accomplishments. 

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