Geneva School District 304 News Article



The answer to the Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library before Thanksgiving break was MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET.

Congratulations to the correct guessers whose names were chosen: Scott Byars, Olivia Frye, Kay Reed, Jack Bickel, Maggie Biesk, Mrs. Van De Mark, Mrs. Dirck and Mrs. Spring.  You can claim your prize in the library. 


Social Studies Club is canceled for this afternoon. 


Permission slips for the outing to Slick City Action Park are due today! Please turn them into Ms. Dagres in 6W or the main office. 


Mark your calendars for the next Science Club meeting tomorrow. We will meet at North in room 121 until 4:20. Hope to spy you there!


If you are interested in joining the Stage Crew for the Variety Show, please email or see Mr. Japlon in 7 Blue to sign up.



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