The next Leo’s Club meeting will be this coming Monday, the 27th from 3:25 – 4:25 in Ms. Beyer’s room 223.
Please join us at the Social Studies Club meeting today after school. We will be looking into the life of a gladiator and exploring the ancient coliseum. Also, we will be taking the club picture for the yearbook. We will meet in Ms. Hawks' room 152 in the 7W team center until 4:20. Please join us for a great time.
Calling all Dungeons and Dragons and role-playing adventurers! Our next club meeting is today after school in Ms. Riley's room (at South) until 4:25 pm. This is a date change from the 29th and will be our only meeting for the month of January. Please reach out to Ms. Riley with any questions.
Math club meets tomorrow after school in room 122 at North until 4:20. Join us for a fun math activity and a snack.
Attention 7th and 8th graders: Do you enjoy working with your hands, are creative, or have an interest in the technical side of theater? Then be a member of stage crew for Annie Jr. Their creativity, passion, and hard work are invaluable to every show. Crew members are the heart and soul of a production. Sign up in the main office. Our first day of work will be Tuesday, January 28th after school in the cafeteria until 4:25.
There’s a new intramural beginning January 30th. It’s the GMS Bowling League! Bowl and eat snacks with your friends from North and South. You can pick up a permission slip in the main office. Permission slips are due this coming Monday the 27th, so sign up soon!
Are you interested in Rubik's Cube and competing against others to see who can get them done the fastest? If so, this Friday there will be a competition in the Geneva North cafeteria immediately after school from 3:30-5:20 pm. Please see the flyers around school to sign up for the competition. Any questions please direct to Mr. McGinnis.