"A Toy Story of Giving" Remember in Toy Story when the toys all came together to help one another? Now it’s our turn! We’re collecting toys for kids in need, and your donations can help make a child’s holiday brighter. Let’s come together after Thanksgiving and make this Toy Drive a success!
Don’t forget about the new intramural, the outing to Slick City Action Park, coming up right after Thanksgiving Break on December 5th! Permission slips are available in the main office and are due Monday, December 2nd. So be sure to grab a permission slip before you leave for break!
Come support your North and South 8th grade basketball teams tonight at Geneva High School at 5:30 pm for the Cross-Campus Classic! Mrs. Fieser and Mr. Barabasz will be handing out autographed fanny packs before the game.
The next FCA meeting is tomorrow morning at South at 7:45am. Sophia Behrens and Rosie Felker will be leading us this week. Please join us for faith, fun, fellowship, and donuts. All are welcome to come. We hope to see you on Friday.
FCA is collecting new or gently used snow pants, snow boots, and Halloween costumes for local students in need. If you have outgrown your old winter gear or Halloween costumes, please consider donating these items to homeless students in our area. You may drop off your items in the plastic bin in the guidance office. Thank you for your support!
Chess Club will be meeting today after school in the South library until 4:20.