Geneva School District 304 News Article


Math Tutoring starts this week.  You can go to the library on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting at 7:45 for Math help. 


The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was THE HUNGER GAMES. Congrats to all the correct guessers whose names were picked: Mia Arias, Rowan Stredde, Caroline Caballero, Connor Hall, Hadley Bush, Mrs. Schutz, Mrs. Miller, and Ms. Poppen. 


Attention 6th graders!   There is a Jivin’ Geneva this Friday just for you!  Come hang out with your friends, play some games and have a lot of fun!


Ready Player One? Viking Gamer Club levels up and returns for another epic year of gaming.  Come join the club on Tuesdays by picking up a sign-up form from the Main Office or Mr. Rhea.  Sign-up forms are due by Friday, September 13th!


Exciting news!  Two new intramurals are coming up!

The Soccer intramural starts Tuesday, September 10th. It will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:30-4:30pm for four weeks.  Soccer is combined with North so this is a great opportunity to meet some new friends! Please meet outside the guidance office AT NORTH each time for attendance.

Flag Football intramural also starts next Tuesday, September 10th! It will also be held Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:30-4:30pm for four weeks.  This is also combined with North. Please meet outside the PE offices at North each time for attendance. 

The cost for each one of these is $25 and permission slips are available in the main office.


FCA Basketball is back! Join us to connect with friends and scrimmage tomorrow morning in the North Blue Gym. As always, all are welcome. Doors open at 7:15am. Email Mrs. Gates if you need more info.

The first rehearsal for the 6th grade play is today after school until 5:25 in the general music room. Make sure you have a ride home or plan to take the activity bus.



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