Geneva School District 304 News Article


Attention 7th and 8th graders:  Do you play piano, guitar, or bass and have an interest in playing jazz music?  Consider joining the GMS South Jazz Band.  Simply stop by the band room on your way to lunch anytime in the next week and let Mr. Flaks know that you are interested to get more information.


Hey 6th graders!   Tomorrow is a Jivin’ Geneva from after school until 5:00!  Come hang out with your friends, play some games and have a lot of fun! Plan to take the activity bus or arrange for a ride home. 


Are you the next J.K. Rowling, Roald Dahl, or C.S. Lewis?  Are you looking for opportunities to enter contests and possibly get your work published? Do you like to try new things, socialize, and make new friends? If so, the Creative Writing Club is for you! Join us for donuts and fruit on Tuesday, September 10th in Ms. Riley's room. We'll meet at South in Room 263 at 7:40 am.


Ready Player One? Viking Gamer Club levels up and returns for another epic year of gaming.  Come join the club on Tuesdays by picking up a sign-up form from the Main Office or Mr. Rhea.  Sign-up forms are due by Friday, September 13th!


Exciting news!  Two new intramurals are coming up! There will be a Soccer intramural and a Flag Football intramural beginning Tuesday September 10th on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Both of these intramurals are combined with North, so it’s a great opportunity to meet some new friends. The cost for each one of these is $25 and permission slips are available in the main office.


From the Sports Desk:

Last night, the Viking varsity football team defeated the Wredling Redhawks by a score of 28-12, improving their season record to 2-0. Next up for Viking football: JV on the road against St. Charles Thompson next Monday.


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