The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was LIGHTS, CAMERA, READ! Congratulations to the following correct guessers: Hudson Riebe, Everley Miller, Benjamin Rush, Lucas Osmondson, Lucas Lata, Mrs. Giese, Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Werner.
Girls’ volleyball practice will end at 4:20 today. Please meet in the library right after school.
Picture Day is coming this Wednesday, Aug. 28th. Pictures will be taken during your PE classes.
Calling all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cheerleaders! Tryouts will take place today, tomorrow and Wednesday in the auxiliary gym here at Geneva Middle South. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Mattson or Mrs. Johnson.
Auditions for the 6th grade play are tomorrow and Thursday after school in the cafeteria. Sign up for an audition and pick up an audition packet from the main office or the 6 Blue Team Center. See Mr. Tatar or Ms. Poppen for more information.