Gaming Club meets tomorrow from 3:30-4:20. Remember - Thursday is the last day to sign up for the Super Smash Bros. Tournament. Check your email for details!
Math Club meets tomorrow after school in Room 122 at North until 4:20. Join us for a snack and a fun math game.
The Conservation Club wants to remind you to recycle markers, pens, mechanical pencils, and empty glue sticks in the small green or blue recycling bins in each team center. Due to recycling efforts last year, the club was able to redeem points earned to help fund charitable events like providing drinking water to people in need and protecting an acre of rainforest.
What do Jolly Ranchers wrappers, Blow-pop wrappers, pencil shavings, and Kleenex all have in common? They are all items that should go in the trash, not the recycling bin. To help guide you, the Conservation Club put signs in each classroom to promote the correct disposal of recycling and trash items. Thanks for your help!