Geneva School District 304 News Article


Spirit Week continues tomorrow with a GMSS Spirit Day with a twist! Show your TEAM pride! If you’re on a white team, wear white! If you’re on a blue team, wear blue!!


There’s a new intramural coming up in October and you don’t want to miss it!  It’s a Halloween Cook-tacular! Make Mini Mummy Pizzas, Hocus Pocus Spell Brook Brownies and kettle corn. Permission slips are in the main office. 


Calling all adventurers! The next Dungeons and Dragons meeting will be on Monday in Ms. Riley's room after school until 4:25 pm. Join us for a campaign and some gaming fun!


Time to level up! The next gaming club meeting will be Tuesday from 3:30-4:20. Pick up where you left off last week and play some games with your friends and classmates.  Check your email for more information from Mr. Rhea


Just a reminder to all student council members. If you would like to order a Student Council T-shirt, please bring your $9 by tomorrow.


The first meeting of Viking Alliance is today after school in the reading lounge until 4:20 p.m.

If you believe in diversity and support equality for all, this club is for you!


Math club starts today after school until 4:20 in room 122 at North. Join us for a fun opening game of math basketball and a snack. Please arrange for your ride to pick you up at 4:20 or take the activity bus. 


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