Early Childhood Coordinator Jennifer Seaton presented with Preschool Teachers Kara Prefountain, Ashley Gerard, and Erin Kelly on “What Makes Your School Special? Literacy PK-12 – Geneva Early Learning Program’s Story Champs”.
Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Todd Latham facilitated a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget followed by a presentation on the 2024-25 Budget. He discussed the impacts that have changed the Proposed Budget.
Board member Jackie Forbes shared that the IASB resolutions will be available for review at the next meeting and at the end of October the board will decide on an opinion of “thumbs up or thumbs down”.
Dr. Barrett shared that Heartland Elementary School won the U.S. Department of Education’s Blue Ribbon Award for 2024 adding that the school was one of only 18 schools in Illinois and only 356 schools nationwide that received this honor. He said it’s great to see our schools get this recognition. Principal Hornberg and one other representative from the school will travel to Washington D.C. to accept the award.
He informed everyone that sign-up for Parent Teacher Conferences is underway through the Home Access Center and conferences will be held on Oct. 10 and 11. He added it’s a great opportunity for parents and teachers to connect.
Dr. Barrett talked about the exciting activities and events this week leading up to Homecoming, including the parade on Friday afternoon which will be live-streamed for the first time by the GTV students. The District updated the early pick-up procedures at the elementary and middle schools, as we realize that many parents want to take their students to the parade.
He thanked Asst. Supt. Todd Latham and his team for the work they did on the budget. He pointed out that the difference between the tentative budget and the proposed budget is related to the Capital Plan Budget. He explained that previously budgeted dollars were not spent but will be spent in this budget. He added that the District is working to build a more comprehensive capital plan.
Dr. Barrett discussed that St. Charles city council declined the proposed Charles Farm development. He added that there have been many proposed developments over the years, and more are likely in the future.
He talked about the increase in the number of concerning social media content that is affecting schools nationwide and across our area. He shared that the District is vigilant in our investigations of these posts and that we are urging parents to “Please report, don’t repost” when they see something concerning on social media.
The Board took action to approve the Resolution to Adopt Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. The Board also approved updates to policies.
Several members expressed excitement about Homecoming week, thanked Asst. Supt. Todd Latham for his presentation on the budget and congratulated Heartland Elementary on the Blue Ribbon Award. Several also commented on the Geneva Early Learning Program and thanked the teachers and Early Childhood Coordinator Jennifer Seaton for their presentation.
Another member mentioned attending a Theater Boosters meeting and recommended everyone see the upcoming play. They talked about the Facilities Task Force meeting and a new multi-million dollar project to update the boilers system at the high school.
Another member talked about the VocEx Car Wash and said it was great to see the kids having fun, and everyone involved. They said they’ve heard positive feedback from parents about the changes around the parade. They thanked the PTOs for their involvement in the District.
Another member talked about attending a volleyball game at the high school and the Music Boosters meeting and encouraged everyone to order holiday greenery.
One member praised the several presentations that have been made over the past few meetings. They talked about how proud they are to be a part of a school district that is moving forward with good planning. They added that there is a plan to replace the traditional light fixtures with LED lights throughout the district to enhance the educational environment and save the District money.