The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was NANCY DREW MYSTERY. Congratulations to the correct guessers whose names were chosen: Eliseo Sida, Lydia Poustinchian, Ellie Ray, Charlotte Otto, Mr. Sharko, Miss Bartelt and Mrs. Schutz.
The GMSS Food Drive competition started this week. Did you remember to bring in some food items for donation to the local food pantry? Remember, the team that brings in the most items will win donuts for the entire team. Let’s go, GMSS!
Red Ribbon Spirit Week continues tomorrow with Tie Dye day! So be sure to wear any tie dye you have!!!!
Auditions for the Variety Show begin tomorrow in the cafeteria after school. Looking for talented 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Sign up in the Main Office or the Library. See Mr. Japlon in 7 Blue with any questions.
Reminder to all 6th grade Choir students: Our after-school rehearsal and pizza party is TODAY immediately after school from 3:30 - 5:00. Please bring all your things to the choir room after school and sit in your riser positions. Make sure you have a ride to pick you up promptly at 5:00 PM.
The next Social Studies Club meeting is today after school in Mr. Fader's room. If you haven't been to a Social Studies Club meeting, you are still welcome to join! Today, we'll be decorating pumpkins for the upcoming election. Pumpkins will be provided for free!
Leo's club will meet today from 3:25 to 4:25 in Ms. Beyer's room 223. We will be focusing on the Red Ribbon Week food drive.
The next meeting of the Dungeons and Dragons club is today. We will meet in Ms. Riley's room 263 at GMSS after school until 4:25 pm. Please reach out to Ms. Riley with any questions!
Tired of being AFK? Gaming Club returns tomorrow from 3:30-4:20. Come hang out and level up with your classmates and friends.
Join us as we plan for the pumpkin smash and holiday light collection at the Conservation Club meeting after school on Wednesday October 23rd. We will be meeting at North in Mrs. Bruno's room 121 until 4:20. See you there!
Math club meets this Thursday at North in room 122. Join us for a snack and an amazing game of math basketball. Plan for your ride to pick you up at 4:20 or take the activity bus.