The bookfair will be open this week during parent conferences. Feel free to pop in with your parents on Thursday or Friday. Students will visit with language arts classes next week! Come get some great books & have a chance to win some prizes. Donate a book to your language arts class or contribute to your teacher's e-wallet to get books for their classroom library!
The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was THE WILD ROBOT. Congratulations to the correct guessers whose names were picked: Elena Saxton, Levi Wise, Danny Medina, Sean Geraghty, Hadley Chmiel, Sra. Lindahl, Mrs. Hollis and Mr. Sempsrott. You can pick up your prize in the library.
Come out to Social Studies Club's first meeting today where we'll play World War 1 dodgeball! We'll adjust the rules to play like a World War 1 battle with trench warfare, over the top, injuries, and medics. We'll meet in Mr. Fader's room- 112 in the 8 White Team Center until 4:20. All are welcome!
Don't miss the next explosively fun Science Club meeting after school on Tuesday October 15th at South. We will meet in room 174 until 4:20. It'll be poppin'!