Hey GMSS, get
excited because there is another Epic Air Intramural coming up on May 23rd. Permission slips are in the main office, so
take one home today and return it with the $15 cost as soon as possible. This one fills up fast, folks!
Did you know 100,000
marine creatures and 1 million sea birds die from the plastic we dump into the
oceans each year? Mrs. Brady and her 6W students want to change this sad
statistic. Did you also know you can't recycle markers that don't work
anymore through the city? Well good news! The Crayola ColorCycle
program will recycle them and reuse them, we just need to collect them.
Look for a student-designed poster in your team center with a donation
box. Any brand and any type of marker can be donated. Markers can also be
brought in from home. Thank you for helping to make a difference.
Today is Star Wars Bingo
Day in the library! Students can win
prizes and a Fine Forgiveness Dollar for stopping by. And remember, all library books and fines are
due by Tuesday May 28th.
Music students
today is a Band/Orchestra day