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Please self-monitor all family members daily and send children to school with their signed symptom screening form. Please take a moment to review the Symptom Screening Procedures on the District website, and keep your child home and call the Williamsburg attendance line at (630) 463-3101 if:  
  • Your child or anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently in isolation; OR 
  • Your child or anyone in the household is experiencing one or more of the following symptoms: fever or chills (100.4 F or higher without the use of fever-reducing medications), new onset of moderate to severe headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain from unknown cause, new congestion/runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell, nausea, fatigue from unknown cause, muscle or body aches; OR 
  • Your child is subject to a current quarantine order; OR 
  • Your child or anyone in your household is awaiting results of a pending COVID-19 test
Thank you for doing your part to keep everyone safe and healthy.
 Geneva 304 Health Services