last session of Flag Football is today.
There will be no session on October 21st.
The Crochet
Intramural’s first meeting is today after school in Ms. Wierenga’s room 150 in
the 7W team center.
7th and 8th graders, are you
interested in cheerleading? There is a change of location for the informational
meeting this Thursday, October 10th. It will be in Mrs. Tomczak’s room 111. Also be sure to have your parent or guardian sign
you up on 8 -18. All participants must have a physical on file before try-outs!
meets today after school here at South in Mr. Gain's room 114. Please join us
for some games, math puzzles and snacks!
Writer’s Club is also meeting today after school at
North in the library.
Science Club is going to have their first meeting of
the school year on Thursday. Topic will be Smartphone Holograms.
the Sports Desk
Last week the 8th grade volleyball teams had a
tough battle against Geneva North and although we fell short, we had some
amazing plays! Special shout outs to Kayla Shultz for her excellent
communication, Marla Trimble for her serve receive and passing, Caroline Madden
for an all-around consistent and great passing/defensive game, and Ashlin Weber
and Rachel Bice for excellent passing and defense.