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Early Learning Program Enrollment & Tuition

0S350 Grengs Lane
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: 630-444-8700

Preschool Enrollment & Tuition

About the Enrollment Process

The Geneva Early Learning Program is a five-day per week, tuition-based preschool program for residents of Geneva Community School Disctrict 304.  Our students attend Monday-Friday. The morning session for 3-year-olds meets 9:00 -11:30 a.m., and the afternoon session for 4-year-olds meets 12:30-3:00 p.m. Please click here to learn more about our programs.
Preschool enrollment is open for the current and upcoming school years upon the child's 3rd birthday. The enrollment process is completed online only. 
Spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, based upon your completion of the Online Enrollment Form. Due to limited availability, applications received after the program has reached capacity will be automatically added to a waiting list, and applicants will be notified via email. Once on the waiting list, you also will be notified if a space opens up in the Geneva Early Learning Program.

Eligibility for Tuition-Based Preschool

  • Must be a resident of Geneva Community Unit School District 304
  • Students are eligible upon their third birthday 
  • Must be toilet-trained (no pull-ups) 
Please note: Students who qualify for kindergarten based on their age are not eligible.

Online Enrollment Steps

1.  Prepare Digital Copies of Required Documents
  • Required documents are listed below, and most file formats will be accepted when uploading into the system (.PDF, .JPG, .PNG, etc.).
  • Name each file according to the student and its content (Example:  LastNameFirstNameBirthCertificate).
  • Do not include any symbols or special characters in the file name.

Required Documents: CLICK TO EXPAND

Required Documents:
  • Child's original birth certificate or a certified copy
  • Two current proof of residency documents (one from Category A and one from Category B)
    • Category A  
      • Current year property tax bill  
      • Current signed residential lease  
      • Closing documents on your home (Warranty Deed, Bill of Sale, and Affidavit of Title)  
    • Category B 
      • Electric bill  
      • Water bill  
      • Cable television bill  
      • Gas bill  
      • City of Geneva bill
  • Any legal custody documents that pertain to the student (if applicable)
Items not accepted: driver’s license, checkbooks, rent receipts, insurance papers, mortgage statements, credit card statements, personal mail or cell phone bills.    

2. Complete the Online Enrollment Form 
  • Parents new to the school district will need to create an account to use the Online Enrollment system.   Parents with a student already enrolled in the district can go into Home Access Center and find Enroll New Student In the upper right hand corner.
  1. Enroll for CURRENT school year 2024-25
          Spanish version: Enroll for CURRENT school year 2024-25 
  2. Enroll for NEXT school year 2025-26
           Spanish version: Enroll for NEXT school year 2025-26
3. You will receive an email to submit a deposit of $280 that will reserve your child a spot in our preschool program and will cover the first month of tuition.  This email will explain how to make the deposit online through Push Coin.  
4. Physical and Immunization Form with lead screening and Claim for Exemption (if applicable) is required on or before the first day of school. (For more information on health forms, please click here.)    

Special Circumstances and Assistance

Technical Support: If you need technical assistance with this process, please contact us during business hours at [email protected] or 630-463-3097.

Translation Support: For Spanish-speaking families who need support in translation or device access in order to complete these registration tasks, please contact Diana Neukirch at 630-463-3256 or [email protected]

Proof-of-residency: Should you need to enroll your child but cannot provide proof-of-residency documents required because you are staying with someone else, in a shelter or hotel due to hardship, please call us at 630-444-8700 for assistance.


For the first time in seven years, the School Board raised the monthly preschool tuition to $280 effective for the 2024-2025 school year.  Tuition will be billed monthly for 8 months after a $280 deposit, which covers the first month of preschool. Payments can be made by check or online through PushCoin. PushCoin accepts e-check and credit/debit card payments. Please note that credit/debit card payments incur a processing fee.
Please note: Students who qualify for certain special education services do not pay tuition, but are required to pay an annual registration fee.