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Health Services (Nursing)

227 N. Fourth Street
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: 630-463-3000

School Health Requirements

The following information details the health requirements for student entry. All health information is required for school entry and is requested to be submitted prior to school attendance.
Pre-K (first entry)
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Physical Exam with Lead Screening & Immunizations (Claim for Exemption(s) if applicable)

•  Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Physical Exam with Lead Screening & Immunizations (Claim for Exemption(s) if applicable)
• Dental Exam
• Eye Exam

1st Grade
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)

2nd Grade
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Dental Exam

3rd 4th & 5th Grades
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)

6th Grade
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Physical Exam & Immunizations (Claim for Exemption(s) if applicable)
• Dental Exam

7th & 8th Grades
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)

9th Grade
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Physical Exam & Immunizations (Claim for Exemption(s) if applicable) *Due schedule distribution week
• Dental Exam

10th & 11th Grades
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)

12th Grade
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Meningococcal MCV4 Booster (Claim for Exemption, if applicable) *Due schedule distribution week

In-State Transfer Students
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Physical Exam and Immunizations (Claim for Exemption(s) if applicable)
• Dental Exam (K, 2, 6, 9)

Out-of-State Transfer Students
• Annual Student Health Summary (completed during the Online Verification process)
• Physical Exam and Immunizations (Claim for Exemption(s) if applicable)
• Dental Exam (K, 2, 6, 9)
• Eye Exam

Physical Examination Requirements - Click to expand

A complete physical examination is required for entrance to Pre-K, Kindergarten or First Grade (first entry), Sixth and Ninth grades. This physical must be completed within one year prior to the first day of school attendance. The exam must cover all required elements as listed on the two page “Certificate of Child Health Examination” form. The form requires both completion and signatures from the parent/guardian and the examining practitioner. 

The physical examination and immunization summary are due prior to October 15th of the school year. Non compliance will result in exclusion from school. Additionally, in order to pick up their fall schedule, high school students are requested to submit these documents or have proof of an appointment that is scheduled prior to October 15th.

In state transfer students are required to comply with the physical examination and immunization requirements of the grade they are entering. Out of state transfer students will need to have a physical exam/ immunizations completed in compliance with Illinois standards and dated no more than one year prior to the date of enrollment. All forms must be submitted within 30 days.

A tuberculosis skin test is not required unless the student is considered by their examining practitioner to be in an at-risk category (Move-ins from out of the country or from high-prevalence areas should consult their examining practitioner).

The requirement that children must be assessed for lead poisoning applies to children six months through six years of age. Proof of blood testing or screening must be submitted to the school for all children entering day care, preschool or Kindergarten. The doctor or nurse shall use the “Childhood Lead Risk Assessment Questionnaire” provided by IDPH.

In accordance with state law, medical or religious objections to any health requirement are to be submitted on the same schedule as the requirement.

Immunization Requirements - Click to expand

Minimum Immunization Requirements for Illinois Schools PreK-12th grades:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis: (3-4+) doses with the last on/after the 4th birthday
  • Tdap: (1) dose for any child entering 6th grade through 12th grade
  • Polio: (3-4) doses with the 4th or last dose administered on/after the 4th birthday
  • MMR: (2) doses, dose 1 on/after the 1st birthday, dose 2 at least 28 days later
  • Hepatitis B: (3) doses at proper intervals
  • Varicella: (2) doses on/after 1st birthday, or disease history
  • H. Influenzae Type B (HIB): *required for Pre-K programs, not required after the 5th birthday
  • Prevnar (pneumococcal vaccination): *required for Pre-K programs, not required after the 5th birthday
  • Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine: (1) dose for any child entering 6th grade received on or after the 11th birthday, and (1) booster dose after the age of 16 years or upon entry into 12th grade.
In accordance with state law, medical or religious objections to any health requirement are to be submitted on the same schedule as the requirement.

Dental Examination Requirements - Click to expand

Before May 15th of each school year, all children in Kindergarten, Second, Sixth, and Ninth grades shall present to the school proof of having been examined by a licensed dentist. The examination must have taken place within the 18 months prior to May 15th of that school year. Students who do not submit a Dental Examination may have their report cards held.

In accordance with state law, medical or religious objections to any health requirement are to be submitted on the same schedule as the requirement.

Eye Examination Requirements - Click to expand

An eye examination (history, visual acuity, subjective refraction, internal/external examination and glaucoma evaluation) is required to be done on all children enrolling in Kindergarten, or enrolling for the first time in an Illinois school. Each of these children shall present proof of having been examined by a licensed optometrist or medical doctor who performs eye examinations within the previous year submitted by October 15th of the school year.

In accordance with state law, medical or religious objections to any health requirement are to be submitted on the same schedule as the requirement.
School health requirements are in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Geneva CUSD #304 School Board, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH,) the School Code of Illinois and the Illinois State Board of Education. 

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for Geneva Community Unit School District 304


Please see health services information in Geneva 304's student handbooks by clicking here.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

AED and CPR Video

On the IHSA website, a video on hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation  and automated external defibrillators is posted. We encourage parents  and staff to view it. 

Immunization Data

Geneva School District is required by law to submit immunization data to  the Illinois State Board of Education by November 15 each year. This  data is also available to the public no later than December 1 of each  year by calling the Director of Student Services, (630) 463-3060.