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WES 411

1812 Williamsburg Ave.
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: 630-463-3100

Williamsburg Info

Welcome to Williamsburg Info – your place for all the information you need to know about Williamsburg Elementary School. 

Office Staff

Dr. Julie Dye, Principal
Mrs. Julie Klemm, Student Support Specialist
Mrs. Kari A. Bracey, Principal’s Admin. Assistant
Mrs. Jean Fredericks, Building Admin. Assistant
Mrs. April Howard, Building Nurse
Mrs. Leah Stevens, District Nurse

Hours & Phone Numbers

Office: 7:30am – 3:30pm
School: 8:00am – 2:15pm
P 630.463.3100
F 630.463.3109

Bell Schedule

7:45am Supervision begins
7:50am Line-up Bell
8:00am Tardy Bell
2:15pm Dismissal (11:20am Half-Day Dismissal)

Report an Absence

Regular school attendance promotes academic success. It is the policy of the Board of Education both to enforce the compulsory education requirements of the State of Illinois and to encourage regularity of attendance to ensure the maximum educational benefit for students. Students are expected to be in school daily except in case of illness or family emergency. Please call the Williamsburg school office at 630.463.3101 before 8:00 a.m. when your child is to be absent.

The State of Illinois requirements for daily attendance are:

  • Kindergarten & Grade 1Full Attendance Day: 4 clock hours
    (less than 240 minutes is counted as a half-day)
  • Half Attendance Day: 2.5 clock hours
    (less than 120 minutes is counted as absent)
  • Grades 2 – 5 Full Attendance Day: 5 clock hours
    (less than 300 minutes is counted as a half-day)
  • Half Attendance Day: 2.5 clock hours
    (less than 150 minutes is counted as absent)
(NOTE: Lunch and recess times may NOT be included in the minimum time requirements for students)

Lunch Program

Williamsburg Elementary School uses PushCoin, a computerized debit system for lunch purchases. All students have a debit account and this is used to purchase milk, lunch or both. PushCoin allows parents to deposit money into their account online with a check or credit/debit card. To deposit money online for the first time, you will need your child's ID number. If you do not know his/her ID number, please call the office at 630-444-8600.

For complete information about the Geneva 304 Lunch Program, including menus, lunch prices, PushCoin payment system and more, please visit the District's Lunch Program page at this link.

Early Dismissal

If for any reason your child needs to be dismissed from school at a time other than the regular dismissal time, please send a note to the classroom teacher.

Dropoff and Pickup

Williamsburg’s arrival and dismissal procedures are designed to ensure the safe arrival and departure of your children.

Drop Off Procedures
Students are to arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m. which is when staff supervision begins. Parents can park in the east parking lot, or follow the directional signs leading to the sidewalk in the front of the school. Students exit cars along the sidewalk from the passenger side of the car directly onto the curb. Students are not to walk across any lot during drop off or pick up times without being accompanied by a parent. Bus riders are dropped off in the BUS ONLY circle drive.

In the morning, students driven to school will enter the building on the EAST side of the school through their grade level wing (Kindergarten & 3rd enter through door #2; 1st & 4th grade through door #3; 2nd & 5th grade through door #4).

Bus riders enter the school through the main entrance.

Walkers from the east side of the school enter through the wing doors based on their grade; Walkers from the west side of the school enter through the main entrance.

The tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. If you arrive after 8:00 a.m. you must sign your student in at the main office. Please enter through the main doors.

Pick Up Procedures
Dismissal begins at 2:05p and concludes at 2:15p. At 2:05p, outside supervisors will radio the office with the names on the signs of parents in cars for parent pick-up. Students will exit the school through the wing doors.
  1. Please stay in your car if using the parent pick-up queue. Staff members on duty will ensure that your child gets to their vehicle. If you need to leave your car, please park in the east parking lot.
  2. All parents of kindergartners must walk to the kindergarten wing to pickup their student.
At approx. 2:06p, busing students will be called down to the main hall by bus route. Once all students from the route are accounted for they are sent to their bus. Once all buses are loaded, walkers and bike riders are released through the main entrance.

Please note:
  • Follow all directions given by staff supervisors,
  • When dropping off or picking up students, please pull all the way forward,
  • Please do not walk pets onto school property during drop-off or dismissal,
  • DO NOT use a cell phone anywhere on school property or in a school zone while the car is on and the engine is running.  You will be ticketed.  
Dismissal Change
Any change to what a student normally does at dismissal requires written notification from a parent/guardian and must go through the school office. If your child is going home with another student, a written note is required from both the sending parent and the receiving parent. UNLESS IT’S AN EMERGENCY, written confirmation of these arrangements should be sent to school in the morning or called into the office by 11am. Students are not permitted to ride another bus or change stops to visit a friend’s house, for scout meetings, play dates, etc.

Visitor Policy

The District encourages visits by School Board members, parents/guardians, citizens, and taxpayers to all School District buildings. All visitors to Williamsburg are required to present a driver’s license or other state issued identification. The main office personnel will enter the identification into the Raptor V-Soft Visitor Management System, which will cross-reference the visitor’s information with a database of sex offenders throughout the United States maintained by Raptor Technologies as well as any court orders provided to the District to protect students. The identification presented will be held in the main office and will be returned when the visitor leaves the building. Visitors will be given a badge to be worn at all times while in the school building or on school grounds during the school day. The procedures for reporting to the Main Office and signing in must be followed any time visitors are in the school building and school is in session. Parents may wait outside the appropriate school exit for their child if they do not wish to sign in at the office. Parents are not permitted to go to the classrooms and wait outside the doorways. This causes distractions in the classroom during instructional time and poses a security problem as well. Student visitors are not permitted to attend classes or school parties.
See the District visitor policy.