User Expectations
Geneva CUSD 304 manages student information
electronically and uses a secure internet site to enable
electronic access to student information. We will make
certain student education records are available for
viewing only to authorize guardians via the secure
internet connection. All guardians will comply with the
internet use regulations and all technology
regulations/procedures, as well as all other District
policies that may apply. Geneva CUSD 304 supports
access by guardians, teachers, and administrators to
informational resources that will improve participation
in a child’s education and improve communication
between students,guardians and the students’ teachers.
Rights and Responsibilities
HAC access is a free service offered to all current
guardians and students of Geneva CUSD 304.
Guardians and staff must understand and practice
proper and ethical use. Only after a family has enrolled
their high school/middle school child(ren) in Geneva
CUSD 304 will a guardian be authorized to activate a
HAC account. Once a student withdraws or graduates
from Geneva CUSD 304, HAC access will be
inactivated for that student’s parents.
Information Accuracy Responsibilities
Information accuracy is the joint responsibility
between schools, guardians, and students.
School personnel will make every attempt to
ensure information is accurate and complete.
If a guardian discovers any inaccurate demographic
information, they should notify Geneva CUSD
provide proof of the inaccurate information.
Information Accessible
Geneva CUSD 304 reserves the right to add, modify, or delete functions in the HAC at any time without notice.
Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Guardians will act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner.
- Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy the schools' or the district’s data or networks.
- Guardians will not attempt to access information or any account assigned to another user.
- Guardians will not use this internet site for any illegal activity, including violation of Federal and State law. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws would be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
- Users who identify a security problem within the HAC must notify the home access center support line immediately by calling (630)463-3097 or by email [email protected].
- Guardians shall not share their password with anyone, including their own child(ren).
- Guardians identified as an internet security risk will be denied access to the site.
Security Features
- Access is made available with a secure internet site.
- The student’s account will be disabled when the student withdraws, graduates or is expelled from Geneva CUSD 304.
- he guardian account will be disabled when their last child(ren) has withdrawn, been expelled or graduated from Geneva CUSD 304, or a court action denies the guardian access to the student’s information.
System Requirements and HAC Support
- Geneva CUSD 304 is not responsible to recommend or approve computer system requirements necessary to access the HAC.
- Geneva CUSD 304 is not responsible to provide technical support for computer systems accessing the HAC, the HAC itself beyond user account issues, or any other issue related to the use of the HAC.
- Geneva CUSD 304 is not responsible to provide any means, including but not limited to a computer system and/or internet access, by which any guardian may access the HAC.
- Guardians can find support information on Geneva CUSD 304 Home Access Center login screen.
- Guardians should not contact the school building for support. The school building is not able to deliver support for the HAC.
Limitation of School District Liability
- Geneva CUSD 304 will use reasonable measures to protect student information from unauthorized access. Geneva CUSD 304 will not be responsible for legal or financial obligations arising through unauthorized use of the District's system or internet. Geneva CUSD 304 does not promise any particular level or method of access to the internet site for viewing student information.
- Geneva CUSD 304 will not be responsible for actions taken by the guardian that would cause compromise of their student information.
- Geneva CUSD 304 reserves the right to limit or terminate HAC access for any reason without notice. All guardians requesting a HAC account consent to electronic monitoring and understand that all activity is electronically recorded.