Williamsburg Elementary School opened in August 2008 as a replacement school for Coultrap Elementary. Located on a 14-acre site, Williamsburg Elementary is a 102,000 square-foot school boasting an abundance of natural light and an easily navigable lay-out. The new building is slightly larger than the previous Coultrap facility which was located at 1113 Peyton Street in Geneva. (Note: The original Coultrap building was built in 1923 and served as a high school, junior high, and middle school prior to becoming an elementary facility in Fall 1994. After 90 years of service to this community, the building was finally taken down in Fall 2013 in anticipation of eventual expansion of Geneva High School. The district's central office, located on 4th Street in Geneva, have since assumed the Coultrap name and the original 4th Street building has been renamed as Coultrap Educational Services Center.)
Planned and designed as an elementary facility, Williamsburg Elementary's areas and functional relationships provide flexibility and opportunities for learning that were not present in the original Coultrap facility. Williamsburg's six classroom wings are all positioned on the east side of the building and are designed to increase cooperation and interaction among grade-level teachers. Spaces within the school that accommodate parent, public, and community functions and events are located near the main entrance and parking. The building provides spacious classrooms and hallways, beautiful architectural features, and state of the art technology.
Williamsburg's exterior masonry colors were selected to replicate the brick that existed on the original Coultrap building, bringing a bit of Coultrap to Williamsburg. Landscaping and berming were placed around the school to provide a friendly setting and a natural buffer between the school and the surrounding residential community. As with all Geneva School District's schools, the playgrounds and fields are available for community use when school is not in session.
The Williamsburg facility combines efficiencies in design, construction, and sustainable maintenance to create a colorful, inviting, and appropriate learning environment for our students. The tradition that made Coultrap such a warm and friendly learning environment for staff, students, parents, and community continues within the walls of Williamsburg Elementary, offering a safe and welcoming educational home to students and staff for many years to come!
Visitors will be given a badge to be worn at all times while in the school building. Please sign in at the office when you arrive and sign out and return the visitor badge upon leaving the building. The procedures for reporting to the school's main office, signing in, and wearing a visitor badge must be followed any time visitors enter the school building, including times when parents come to school to wait for a child at the end of the school day. Parents may wait outside the appropriate school exit for their child if they do not wish to sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge. Parents are not permitted to go to the classrooms and wait outside the doorways. This causes distractions in the classroom during instructional time and poses a security problem as well.
Student visitors are not permitted to attend classes or school parties.