Dear GMSN Families,
Welcome to Geneva Middle School North!
It is my pleasure to be the Principal at GMSN. After 20 years in various positions in District 304, including as a teacher, coach, department chair, assistant athletic director, and athletic director, I am looking forward to my new role.
GMSN serves 6th, 7th and 8th graders that live within the school boundaries of Geneva School District 304. Each grade level will be split into two teams (blue and white). Many of our students will participate in extracurricular activities preparing them for high school. Extra curriculars include band, choir, orchestra, drama, variety of clubs and intramurals. Our athletic programs consist of cross country, football, cheerleading, dance, girls' and boys’ volleyball, girls’ and boys’ basketball, girls' and boys’ track and wrestling.
Here at Geneva Middle School North, we are self-directed, lifelong learners; effective communicators; complex, creative, and adaptive thinkers; and collaborative and productive citizens. We have a motivated staff that collaborates with each other. Our students will be provided with a great education that prepares them for high school. My own children all went through Geneva School District 304.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 630-463- 3705.
Dave Carli Principal