Geneva Middle School South has moved to a digital registration process and will not be sending home registration packets. Please follow these steps to register your 6th-, 7th-, or 8th-grade student for the 2024-25 school year by July 19:
- Pay registration fees on Pushcoin. (Fees need to be paid by July 19)
- Review the additional forms below (These items will not need to be returned to consider registration complete)
Fee Waiver Application
Some families may qualify to have their school fees waived. The Board of Education for Geneva Community Unit School District 304 requires a separate application for a waiver of school fees and free lunch. An Application for Fee Waiver needs to be completed IN ADDITION TO the Free Lunch Application. Both applications can be found on the district website or can be picked up at your student’s school.
Fee Waiver Application (will be updated July 2024)
Free Lunch Application (will be updated July 2024)