Technology Expectations
The use of the school's technology resources (devices, software and network) is a privilege, not a right. All technology used in school is for educational purposes. Technology is to be used in a school-appropriate manner at all times.
- Personal Electronic Devices
- Geneva 304 elementary students are permitted to bring their own personal electronic devices that can be used for curricular purposes when deemed appropriate by the student's teacher. Such devices (Kindles, iPads, etc.) can be used under teacher supervision for non-recreational purposed and are considered the sole responsibility of the student; the school district in NOT liable for loss, damage or theft of personal electronic devices.
- General Rules
- General school rules apply to the use of any device as well as the content viewed on the device.
- Device settings should remain as installed by the district/school staff.
- Report any problems or inappropriate content to a teacher or staff member immediately.
- Keep your login information private.
- Food, drink, gum, candy, etc. should remain away from the devices at all times.
- Internet games that are not meant for educational purposes are prohibited.
- Only print with teacher/staff member permission and according to teacher guidelines.
- Students should refrain from taking photos or video of other students and staff unless they have received permission from a staff member.
- Possession, forwarding or uploading of photos or videos to any website, network, storage device or person is strictly prohibited.
- School-owned Electronic Devices
- The device assigned to you is school property.
- The device should be charged at home on a nightly basis.
- While carrying the device, always walk and use two hands or the carrying case to transport.
- Writing, drawing or defacing the device is prohibited.