Do you want to have a WONDERful time? Students and parents please join us on Tuesday, Nov. 28th for our first GMS Young Adult Book Club meeting. Our first book this year is Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We'll meet at the Randall 15 Theater in Batavia where we will provide pizza, drinks and discussion before watching the new Wonder movie. See Mrs. Mourek or Mrs. Hollis for sign-up sheets.
There is still time to sign up for the Leos Club community service project for the Northern Illinois Food Bank on October 19th. Pick up a permission slip in the office or see Ms. Beyer for more information. Space is limited so please, register early.
Are you looking for something fun and different to do? Then sign up for the GMS Intramural Bowling League! Stop by the office for more information and permission slips.
Science Club’s introductory meeting is going to be on Thursday, October 19th after school. More information will be in the announcements next week.
Do you like to write stories or fan fiction? Do you want to collaborate with other young writers? Are you interested in publishing your writing and possibly earning recognition and cash? Then you should drop in on Writers' Club! We'll be in the library after school on Tuesday, October 10th and 17th.
Next Tuesday, Oct 10th, is the first chess club meeting after school. All types of chess players are welcome from beginner to advanced, North or South, grades 6 thru 8. Our 1st match is scheduled for Tuesday October 24th.
7th and 8th Graders, are you interested in cheerleading? Please sign-up during your lunch this week and attend an informational meeting next Tuesday, October 10th in Mrs. Tomczak’s Room 124 after school. If you cannot make the meeting, please see Mrs. Tomczak before try-outs on October 16th. Remember, you need to have a current sports physical on file!
Music students, today is a Band/Orchestra Day.