The Geneva community has always placed a high value on public education and served as educational partners with the Geneva School District. Here some of the agencies the School District works with on a regular basis for the betterment of Geneva’s public schools.
Parent Teacher Organizations – Each of the District's nine schools has an active and involved P.T.O. Members sponsor special events and fundraisers and provide volunteers for many of the “extras” students enjoy throughout the school year. Information on each building’s P.T.O. can be found on the building websites.
Geneva Academic Foundation – The Geneva Academic Foundation is a volunteer organization of parents and citizens that supports Geneva’s schools by purchasing educational materials and equipment that supplement the District’s curriculum. These “extras” serve to enhance students’ educational experience.
Geneva All-Sports Boosters – This volunteer organization provides additional support and resources to the School District's many sports programs.
Geneva Music Boosters – The musical arts are the primary focus of this volunteer group, which provides support and resources for the School District's music programs.
Geneva High School Theatre Boosters – This group promotes and assists with theatrical events at Geneva High School and helps build a supportive culture behind the students who participate in vocal, instrumental and performing arts programs.
The City of Geneva – The City of Geneva works collaboratively with Geneva School District on construction and renovation projects in the areas of storm water management, parking, permitting, and traffic, among others. The police and fire departments also assist the School District with crime and fire prevention and awareness, emergency/crisis training, and health/life/safety building inspections.
Geneva Park District – The Geneva Park District offers enrichment, recreational, and educational opportunities for students. The park and school districts work collaboratively on a number of projects, including the Kids’ Zone before and after school care program and Friendship Station Preschool. Geneva’s school buildings also hold several other park district programs including wrestling, basketball, gymnastics, dances, recitals, and adult open gym and flag football, among others.
Geneva Public Library District – The Geneva Public Library District provides enrichment and educational opportunities for students. Library staff also provides curriculum support to teachers and actively supports the District’s literacy initiatives.
Geneva History Center – Geneva is a city rich with history and tradition. The History Center provides educational programs and field trips that supplement Geneva School District’s curriculum at the elementary and middle school levels and provides seasonal exhibits of particular interest to high school students and adults.
The Geneva Coalition for Youth – This is a community-wide group with representation from many governmental and community agencies. The group has built a broad support network to assist young people to lead healthy lives free from substance abuse and other problems they are facing and often sponsors parent education workshops.
Kane County – Kane County personnel plan and collaborate with the School District on crisis management and work with the District on construction and renovation projects in unincorporated areas. The Sheriff’s Office also helps to promote awareness and assist in training and emergency situations in Geneva’s schools that are outside of city limits, among other tasks.
Kane County Regional Office of Education – The Regional Office of Education organizes, coordinates, and facilitates many professional development opportunities for teachers in Kane County and assists in cooperative purchasing to lower costs on particular items or services for participating districts. The ROE also conducts health/life/safety inspections and issues all renovation and construction checklists and permitting.