Intramurals are starting next week! FLAG FOOTBALL begins Monday, Sept. 11th after school and SOFTBALL begins Tuesday, Sept. 12th after school. Permission slips and more information are available in the main office.
Geneva Middle School is sponsoring a community service project called Feed My Starving Children on Saturday, September, 16th. We will travel to Aurora to pack life-saving meals which will be distributed to starving children around the world. Our scheduled packing time is from 11:30 – 1:30 pm. If you are interested in participating, please pick up a permission slip in the main office. Bus transportation will be provided.
Do you like Art? Art Club has a brand new session starting on Monday, September 11th. All students are invited. Students will design their own projects and put on an Art show. Permission slips will be due on September 8th and are available in the Main Office.