Club News:
Chess Club will be having its final meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 1st in a chess match which will be held at GMS North. Don’t forget to check your email for your permission slip or see Mrs. Fedor if you didn’t receive one.
Want to know
more about the Wired Crew Club?
Please join us
Thursday during lunch to try out Bloxels, Squishy Circuits, and more! Get a lunch pass in the library and see Mrs.
Mourek for any questions.
Social Studies Club meets today in Mr. Fader’s room until 4:25.
And Science
Club will meet on Thursday but there has been a change in the topic. The new topic is Bullseye! Catapults for
Club meeting
Chess: 5/1
Science: 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24
Social Studies: 4/24
Writers: 5/8, 5/27
Art Club: 4/30, 5/1, 5/86