Last Friday after school, the boys “A” volleyball team defeated
arch rival Geneva Middle School North. Fueled by a 12 point serving run and
strong hitting by Alex Smith, Nathan Lehman, Daniel Alworth and Brae Fels the
boys roared to victory in 3 straight sets. The “B” team was also successful in
their match. Great job boys!
PARCC make
ups are this week in room 214, the health room next to the testing
center. ELA tests start in the morning with math in the afternoon. Please
bring your headphones, computer, and pencil when testing.
Attention 8th grade girls: If you are interested in
playing lacrosse at Geneva High School next year, there is going to be a Skills
and Drills Clinic on Wednesday, May 2nd from 4 – 6PM right here at
South. Informational flyers are available in the office.
Ukulele intramurals starts today after school in Ms. Keeton’s
room #252
meeting dates:
Chess: 4/17, 5/1
Science: 4/19,
4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24
Social Studies: 4/24
4/17, 5/8, 5/27
Art Club: 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/1, 5/8