Geneva School District 304 News Article



Join Social Studies Club today after school for our version of The Amazing Race where you’ll compete in games to be the first traveler around the world. Meet in Mr. Fader’s room, 110, until 4:25. Everyone is welcome!

Are you a Monopoly master? The commander of Clue? A skilled Scrabbler? Just over all brilliant at board games? Well then this next Intramural is for you! Pick up a permission slip from the main office soon because the first meeting is February 1st. See Mrs. Bieniak in 6B with any questions.

This coming Friday is Jivin’ Geneva for 7th and 8th Grade.

Attention all students: 3rd quarter lunch table sign-up will take place this Thursday. When you enter the cafeteria, please select a table to sit at for the duration of 3rd quarter.

Chess club meets today in the South library.  We are adding more teams to practice for our virtual match.  Don't miss out!

Calling all students interested in becoming a part of the stage crew for this year’s musical, Oklahoma!  Please sign up in the office this week.  Mrs. Tomczak will contact you sometime next week.      
Attention all girls: Have you registered for Girls on the Run yet? Girls on the Run is program that helps you build confidence and healthy habits. It’s really fun and it’s for every girl!!! Pick up a flyer in the Main Office or in the Guidance Office, and if you have any questions, see Mrs. Rolf or Ms. Moroni.

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