Geneva School District 304 News Article



Do you play the game of Life and win? Do you beat everyone when you play Sorry and you’re not sorry? Do you love yelling YAHTZEE? Do you just love playing board games? Well then this next Intramural is for you! Pick up a permission slip from the main office soon because the first meeting is this week on February 1st. See Mrs. Bieniak in 6B with any questions.

The winner of the library puzzle of the week is Devan Snider! Congratulations Devan – you can claim your prize in the library.

Attention all girls: Have you registered for Girls on the Run yet? Girls on the Run is program that helps you build confidence and healthy habits. It’s really fun and it’s for every girl!!! Pick up a flyer in the Main Office or in the Guidance Office, and if you have any questions, see Mrs. Rolf or Ms. Moroni.

Attention 6th grade girls! Join us for this year's Chick Chat at South on Saturday, February 10th. The day will include yoga, team building exercises, and leadership activities with conversation about difficulties teen girls face. For information about registration, pick up a flier in the main office. Registration ends Monday so don't miss this fun opportunity.

Math Counts teams and individuals have a meeting today in Mrs. Gain's room at North. We will be practicing the team round, so it is important for everyone to attend. Please bring your signed permission slip to the meeting.

Science Club will meet this week on Thursday, February 1st with the topic of Building Electrical Motors! Super cool – don’t miss it!



Club meeting dates:

Writers: 2/6, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 4/17, 5/8, 5/27

Chess: 2/13, 2/27

Social Studies: 2/6, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/10, 4/24

Science: 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 4/5, 4/19, 5/3, 5/17

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