There’s a new intramural coming up…CAN YOU ESCAPE? That’s right, it’s an escape room outing coming up next month on April 13th. It’s $30 per person and it’s a combined event with North. Pick up a permission slip in the main office soon!
Tomorrow is the last day of the recycling competition, so check those posters for the items that are recyclable and bring them in tomorrow!
Student council members, please drop off your t-shirt orders to Mrs. Benhart or Mrs. Fedor. If you need an order form, stop by the library.
March Madness is upon is…do you have the Luck of the Leprechaun on your side? Join us for trivia in the library at lunch and win prizes. How well do you know your GMSS teachers?
Gaming Club has returned with its next meeting set for today from 3:30-4:30. The Annual Super Smash Bros. Tournament is coming up after Spring Break for gaming club members, so make sure you check your email for more information and get signed up to win amazing prizes! See Mr. Rhea for more information.
Don't forget about the Conservation Club meeting tomorrow. We meet after school until 4:25 in Mrs. Bruno's room 221. Hope to see you there!
It's almost time for our next creative writing club meeting! Please plan to meet Thursday morning at 7:40 am in Ms. Riley's room at South. We'll try a group writing activity, share our work, and have some social time!