Gaming Club has returned with its next meeting set for Tuesday from 3:30-4:30. The Annual Super Smash Bros. Tournament is coming up after Spring Break for gaming club members, so make sure you check your email for more information and get signed up to win amazing prizes! See Mr. Rhea for more information.
It's time for the next Dungeons and Dragons meeting! Please plan to meet after school this coming Monday in Ms. Riley's room!
Looks can be deceiving when you look at how the recycling competition is going between teams. Both 6th grade teams have had to relocate many plastics to a different area to make room for more. Remember this competition ends March 15th and the winning team will get a special treat. Items that should be brought in are located in all of the team centers.
From the Sports Desk:
Spring athletics begin next week. 6th-8th grade boys volleyball tryouts are Monday through Wednesday and 7th /8th grade boys’ and girls’ Track and Field practice begins on Monday. A current physical must be on file in the main office, and you must be registered online in order to participate.
Lastly and most importantly, Happy 50th Birthday to Mr. Bleau! If you see him around, be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday!