Geneva School District 304 News Article


The answer to the library’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle from last week was EXPLORE THE WORLD.  The winners that guessed correctly are Myla Giang, Evie Oliva, Hanna Cosky, Morgan Hall, Zoe Hogan, Mrs. Tomczak, Ms. Riley, and Mrs. Sweeney. Congratulations and claim your prize in the library. 


Just a reminder that the library is still collecting items for the Mid Valley Valentine project. You can bring items until tomorrow.  At Lunch in the Library tomorrow, we will need some kind students to create, assemble, and deliver the bags. No need to sign up, just bring your lunch to the library tomorrow!


It's time for the next Dungeons and Dragons meeting! We will meet today after school in Ms. Riley's room! Hope to see you there!


The next gaming club meeting is tomorrow, and then there will be a break until middle of March.  Come play some video games with your friends and start preparing for the yearly tournament in the Springtime!


The Creative Writing Club will meet at North on Thursday morning before school. Please plan to meet in Room 103 across from the office at 7:40 am and bring your story for the contest!

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