The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle was The Polar Express. Congratulations to the winners: Dani Kusek, Holly Hansing, Sophie Held, Ava Moen, Katie Englund, Ms. Poppen, Mr. Plass and Ms. Spring. You can pick up your prize in the library.
Our bookmark contest continues in the library this week. Create a winter scene on the provided cardstock & drop off at the library by Monday, 12/19. Voting will take place 12/20 and 12/21.
Students, do you enjoy trivia and looking to test your knowledge? Consider joining the Scholastic Bowl team, a new interscholastic opportunity where students compete with a team in a trivia-based setting. Scholastic Bowl begins immediately following winter break. Visit the main office to pick up more information and to sign-up to participate.
Are you looking for something fun and new to do with your friends? Maybe make some new friends? I’ve got just the thing for you. It’s the GMS Bowling League and it will start January 31st. Permission slips are in the main office, so grab your friend and sign up!
There’s a new intramural coming up in January and it’s called Cookie Creations! You’ll bake a new recipe each week and it starts January 26th. Permission slips are in the main office, so sign up soon because this one fills up fast!
Social Studies Club will meet today after school in Mr. Fader’s room 112.
Student council is collecting new toys and books from students and staff, for kids being treated for serious illnesses at Lutheran General Hospital. The collection will take place until Friday, December 16th.
Be sure to stop by the Science Club meeting today after school until 4:20 at South in Mrs. Bruno's room 221. We will be experimenting with sound. Don't miss it!
From the Sports Desk:
7th/8th Girls’ basketball tryouts and 6th-8th dance team tryouts begin immediately following winter break. To participate in tryouts, you must have a valid physical on file in the main office and be registered online. Get involved and Go Vikings!
Your Viking wrestlers hosted Jefferson last week at Geneva High School. Led by tiny titans Evan Dziadus, Devin Disilvestro, and Sal Sheridan, the Vikings put on an absolute exhibition. Landon DeAngelis made his opponent fold so fast, it was like he had a bad poker hand. Quinn “Win By Pin” Hogan was up to his usual tricks, planting his opponent like an angry gardener in a matter of seconds. The Vikings visit Jewel tomorrow, hoping to keep their luster alive.