If you’re participating in the Bowling Intramural, which starts today, please meet outside the guidance office after school.
Calling all Artists! Art Club sign-ups continues through FRIDAY! If you were not able to sign up in the Fall, now is your chance!!! Pick up your permission slips in the Main office or in the art room! See Ms. Marks with any questions!
FCA meets this Friday at South in the Community Room from 7:45-8:15. Please join us for faith, fellowship and donuts.
Attention 8th grade students. Your elective forms and any course change forms are due in the guidance office by this Wednesday, February 1st. Late forms will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Rolf or Mrs. Abshire in the guidance office.
The next gaming club meeting is today from 3:30-4:30pm. Come level-up your gameplay with your friends and classmates.