Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle answer was WALK THIS WAY. Congratulations to our correct guessers: Vinay Chavda, Isabelle Bowgren, Anna Beaupre, Jack Sarra, Abigail Bowgren, Mrs. Behrens, Mrs. Hollis and Ms. Parisi.
The next gaming club meeting is tomorrow from 3:30-4:30. Come ready to play and relieve some stress after a long week of MAP Testing!
It's time for the next Dungeons and Dragons meeting. We will meet tomorrow after school. This is a change from our normal meeting time on Mondays. New players are always welcome! Hope to see you there!
The next Leos Club meeting is on Wednesday, January 25th from 3:30-4:20pm and NOT Thursday. North will be joining us for a card making activity. Meet in Ms Beyer’s room (223).
Attention 7th and 8th graders: Do you enjoy working with your hands, are creative, or have an interest in the technical side of theater? Then come be a member of stage crew for The Wizard of Oz. You will have an opportunity to design scenes, work with costumes and props to sound and lights to front of house and stage management (and everything in between), crew members are the heart and soul of a production. Sign up in the main office. Our first day of work will be Monday, January 30 after school in the cafeteria until 4:25. Questions, see email or see Ms. Beyer in 6 Blue.
There’s still time to sign up for the GMS Bowling League! Permission slips are in the main office and are due Friday.
Also, Cookie Creations permission slips are in the main office and are due tomorrow!