If you haven't noticed, there are new signs up in all the classrooms. These signs inform you of what can be put in the recycling bins and what should go in the trash bins. Please check these signs before tossing!
The next gaming club meeting is Tuesday from 3:30-4:30. Come ready to play and relieve some stress after a long week of MAP Testing!
It's time for the next Dungeons and Dragons meeting. We will meet next week after school on Tuesday, January 24th. This is a change from our normal meeting time on Mondays. New players are always welcome! Hope to see you there!
Are you looking for something fun and new to do with your friends? Maybe make some new friends? I’ve got just the thing for you. It’s the GMS Bowling League and it will start January 31st. Permission slips are in the main office and are going to be due soon.
There’s a new intramural coming up this month and it’s called Cookie Creations! You’ll bake a new recipe each week and it starts January 26th. Permission slips are in the main office, so sign up soon because this one fills up fast!