Math club meets today after school until 4:20 in room 122 at North. We will explore tangram pictures and create our own puzzles to share with each other. See you then!
Chess club also meets today after school in the South library until 4:20.
It's almost time for the next Dungeons and Dragons meeting! We will meet on Monday after school in Ms. Riley's room! Hope to see you there!
The next gaming club meeting is Tuesday, and then there will be a break until middle of March. Come play some video games with your friends and start preparing for the yearly tournament in the Springtime!
From the Sports Desk:
The 7th Grade Girls' Basketball B Team took on North at home on Tuesday night coming away with a big overtime win! Harper Kobbeman went coast to coast with some big steals and finishes while Jade Davenport owned the lane on both ends. Maddy Nelson rocked the boards, and Ava Pierotti played some fierce defense. Well done, South!!