Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Brendan Conley, Deanna Tira, Logan VanDeusen, Donovan Stanton, and Delaney Coen. Staff winners include Ms. Powell, Mrs. Krumtinger, and Ms. Dagres. Congratulations! Stop by the library to claim your prize!
Student Council’s last meeting of the year will be Thursday, May 5th, at 7:50. Meet in Ms. Mack’s sewing room!
Creative Writing Club will meet at Geneva Middle School North tomorrow after school in room 103! Hope to see you there!
The Super Smash Bros. Tournament took place on Friday for 7th and 8th grade Viking Gamers. While it was a close match, Dawson Montague stole the victory and earned 1st place in the competition. Evan Eberhardt took 2nd place after putting up tough battle, followed by Joe Delorier in 3rd place, and Aiden Falkos in 4th place. The 6th Grade tournament will take place this Friday so come prepared!
It’s time to gear up for summer. Join us for our YA book club Summer Reading Kickoff at the Geneva Public Library on Tuesday, May10th. Snacks, a scavenger hunt, and more! See Mrs. Fedor or Mrs. Hollis for more details. RSVP by 5/6.