Attention 7th grade students, tomorrow (Wednesday) your devices will be audited during PE class. Please be sure to bring your laptop to PE and drop it off at the appropriate table near the gyms.
The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune Puzzle in the library was ON THE ROAD AGAIN. The winners are Molly Twigg, Bea Millard, Abi Marczak, Kai Costello, Kristina Peterson, Mrs. Rolf, Ms. Riley and Mrs. Hardt. Please stop in the library to claim your prize!
Calling all Artists! Art Club sign-ups start this week! Permission slips are located in the main office or with Ms. Marks in room 269. Art club runs Tuesdays and Thursdays after school! See Ms. Marks with any questions!
Let the games begin - Viking Gamer Club is back! If you didn't get a sign-up form during the Activity Fair, you can pick one up in the main office. Sign-up forms should be returned to the main office or Mr. Rhea by this Friday, September 16th.
Attention 7th and 8th graders: Do you play piano, guitar, or bass and have an interest in playing Jazz music? Consider joining the GMS South Jazz Band. Simply stop by the band room on your way to lunch anytime this week and let Mr. Flaks know that you are interested and get more information.
Permission slips are available in the main office for Conservation Intramurals which begins on Wednesday, September 21st.
This Week’s Club Meetings
Student council will have its first meeting Thursday morning at 8:00am in the library! This is your club. Come help us plan fun initiatives for the student body and determine what student council will look like this year. See you Thursday morning!
Fellowship of Christian Adolescents meets this Friday morning at 7:45 am at Geneva North in the Learning Space.
Remember, all students are always welcome at all club meetings!