Please join us this weekend at the 6th grade play Night at the Wax Museum. Shows are Friday night and Saturday night at 7 pm. Tickets are free for students!
Attention all Gaming Club Members - don't forget to turn in your t-shirt order form by Friday, November 18th to the main office! Extra forms can be picked up from Mr. Rhea.
Social Studies Club will meet in Mr. Fader’s room 112 after school on Monday until 4:20.
Leo’s Club members don’t forget to pick up your permission slip in the main office for the Apple Pie Making event on Wednesday, Nov 16th. This is a fun and delicious way to help your family with Thanksgiving this year and it’s only $5. Don’t miss it!
Do you have a lot of extra Halloween candy in your house? This week, social studies teachers are collecting leftover Halloween candy for Support over Stigma, which provides PTSD help for active-duty military, veterans, first responders and their families. Would you be willing to donate your extra Halloween candy to such a great cause? There will be a collection box in the Social Studies rooms.
Do you have dried up markers, pens or used up glue sticks? Don’t throw them away! The Conservation Club has provided us with small blue or green recycling bins in all the team centers that we can put all those used up markers, pens and glue sticks in. Thanks Conservation Club!