It's "books to movie trivia" before school this week for Teen Tober and we have a small prize each day for the first 12 people who can guess the movie soundtrack. In this morning's selection, the 1990 science fiction action novel about genetic engineering written by Michael Crichton is, of course, Jurassic Park.
Viking Gamer Club will have its first meeting tomorrow in a new location - upstairs in Mr. Rhea's Room 254. Gamers - please bring your school laptops with you for the first meeting.
The first meeting of the yearbook club is today after school until 4:30 in room #113 in the 8W team center. Please see Mr. Sempsrott with any questions.
Math club meets this Thursday after school until 4:20 in Mrs. Gain's room - room 122 - at North. We will play the battleship game that we didn't get to play last time. Bring a friend and join us for some fun and a snack.
This Thursday is picture retake day. If you want to have your picture retaken, simply bring your first picture package with you to have a retake done. Those of you who missed picture day will be called down at the end of announcements to pick up a picture form.
Auditions for the Variety Show will take place today after school in the choir room. You can still sign up, or just show up, for auditions. See Mr. Japlon in 7 White if you have any questions.
Reminder to all 6th grade Choir students: TODAY is our after-school rehearsal and pizza party. At the end of the day, bring all of your belongings down to the cafeteria, sit at a table, and wait for rehearsal to begin. We will end at 5:00 P.M.; please have your ride here waiting for you at that time.
The annual GMSS Food Drive collection and team competition is this week during Red Ribbon Week. The team that collects the most needed items through Friday will win bragging rights and the first ever Food Drive Trophy. Of course, we will all win by being good neighbors and giving back to our communities.
Thanks to everyone wearing red today. What a great way to start the week off! Continue with the school spirit tomorrow on Career Day. Dress for success as your future self. Will we see Doctors? Firefighters? Teachers? Carpenters?