Do you enjoy working with children? Consider becoming a substitute teacher. School districts across the state are facing a shortage of subs, and Geneva District 304 is no exception. Substitute teachers play a vital role in providing our students with the best possible learning experience when their regular teacher is absent. You can help support our students by
applying to be a substitute teacher in Geneva District 304.
To help ease the sub shortage, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has lessened the requirements to obtain a substitute teacher’s license.
Individuals with a bachelor’s degree in any subject can obtain a Substitute Teacher’s License.
The process for obtaining a license is simple. Individuals visit the licensure application page on the ISBE website to create an account in the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS), apply for their license through their ELIS account, and send their transcripts to the Kane County Regional Office of Education (ROE). Then, licensed individuals can apply to substitute teach with Geneva CUSD 304.
Once they are hired, picking up sub positions is convenient and easy. District 304 uses an online system to fill openings. Subs review the list of openings and select their preferred assignments, which includes the teacher’s lesson plans for the day. When the sub arrives at the school on the day of the assignment, they check in at the school’s main office where they will get access to the classroom, and any equipment or materials they may need.