Geneva Middle School South will be holding a “drive” to help the Anderson Humane Center. Every month, this South Elgin shelter uses 4500 pounds of dry food, 1100 pounds of canned food and 4000 pounds of kitty litter. Together, we can help our furry friends by making a simple donation. See the lists of items to donate on posters around the building or pick one up in the library. Please place your donations in your Teams collection box in the library. The collection runs thru Tuesday, April 18th. Remember, homeless pets need our help too.
FCA Basketball is on tomorrow morning at North in the Blue Gym. All are welcome to join for scrimmage and a morning devotion at 7:30 AM. Doors will not open until 7:30AM so please do not be dropped off until then.
The Viking Alliance meeting this Thursday has been cancelled.
Gamers, the time has come for the Super Smash Bros. Tournament! Gaming Club meets today from 3:30-4:20. Come see the epic battles take place and new champions emerge!
Be sure to stop by the next Science Club meeting today. The meeting is after school until 4:20 at North in room 103. We will be engineering some fun. Let good times roll!
FCA will meet this Friday, in the community room at GMS South from 7:45-8:15. Join us for Faith, Fellowship, and Donuts.
There’s a new intramural coming up…CAN YOU ESCAPE? That’s right, it’s an escape room outing coming up soon on April 13th. It’s $30 per person and it’s a combined event with North. Pick up a permission slip in the main office soon!